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Re: [udig-devel] Any progress in documenting the udig Architecture?

Hey Everyone,

This is a long winded answer to why I haven't yet started on a new
architecture diagram.

Short answer: No, nothing visible

Long answer:

Unfortunately, I'm really not yet qualified to make architecture
diagrams; I barely understand the pieces I understand. Furthermore, I
don't yet have a good idea of what the "architecture" diagram is going
to represent. Here's my current 'take'

The layerCake diagram is *not* what we need:
The only diagram that current exists is the 'layerCake' diagram in the
docs somewhere:

Layer 3:  Topmost: Not in my head.
Layer 2:  ApplicationGIS
Layer 1:  PlatformGIS: Catalog & Search
Layer 0a: Eclipse
Layer 0:  Geotools, GeoAPI (and libs uDig currently calls directly)

This is, for me, either eyecandy or of academic interest. The essential
problem is it doesn't set up the MVC split, doesn't show how the
instances fit together, and doesn't point out a way to read the javadocs
or the code. However it does set up a layered approach to presenting the
architecture that I think will be useful.

The diagram(s) I want show how to access all the components:

Ultimately, I'd like the diagram of a running uDig session with a bunch
of projects/maps/layers, of datasources, of renderers. The idea is to
show how to access any of the pieces in a running app by showing where
it is in the hiearchy of object instances (not the class hiearchy). Note
that here we are explicitly *not* distinguishing if an instance is
implemented as data in the container or accessed via a method, we are
merely stating that access is possible via this path..."it is possible
to get a list of the Maps in a Project by using methods in the
Project.class instance" eventhough it requires sorting through the

Here we would have something like:

--> Display, GUIstate, Views ... 
  (This is mostly a diagram of Eclipse with a tiny uDig frosting)



--> IGeoResource (shapefile)
   --> DataStore/FeatureSource (or Store)
               --> CRS

This is not done well, only off the top of my head waking up on a Monday
morning. The point is mostly there is a lot to cover. 

My Slow Plan:

I want eventually to build this diagram up piece by piece but I really
can't start to draw the diagram until I have a much better understanding
of uDig. 

For now, I hoping to understand more and planning eventually to heckle
the refractions folk into giving me an afternoon sometime where I can
sketch out the diagram with their feedback. Then it will merely be an
enjoyable session of Inkscape to make the diagram. 

My personal evolution seems to be working on the following sequence:
1) Geometries
2) Features 
3) DataStores
4) Catalog
5) Renderers
6) Eclipse

Adrian's uDig-SpAn layerCake:

BTW, my personal layerCake diagram is much bigger than uDig's. It starts
with the Hardware and goes all the way to uDig-SpAn, the spatial
analysis plugin I want to write eventually. Since this is going to call
all sorts of libraries like the R statistics module or libgrass, it
currently takes up most of a page. Something like:

uDig SpAn


Geotools           || EclipseRCP

JTS /              || Eclipse

JVM/Java libs                      |=JNI/CNI=|         R, libgrass


This I have drawn out by hand. The logic is mostly that upper layers can
call lower layers but not across vertical bars || unless there is a
bridge element (JNI). 

I also intend for each 'bubble' in the layer cake to distinguish the API
and the implementation. So each bubble becomes: name on the left
vertically, API(s) accross the top horizontally, implementation in the

Little by little eh? Merely getting the Gnumeric docs started took a
couple of years so documenting uDig will take a bunch of time as well. 


On Mon, 2006-03-27 at 09:07 +0200, Jody Garnett wrote:
> Jonas Johansson wrote:
> > Hi Adrian, I just searched the archives and found your thread about
> > understanding the UDIG architecture (your email address was hidden so I
> > send this to the list). I can tell you I am going through exactly the
> > same thing as you were, at times with the same frustration. I have spent
> > something like the last week digging into source code to understand how
> > things fit together, to be able to add a new layer (constructed by my
> > own features) to the map, which is now finally working.
> >
> > Since you were at least three weeks before me on this, I a curious, have
> > you finished any of those architecture diagrams? I am thinking that if
> > there is some Wiki somewhere maybe I could also contribute with some
> > docs from a newbie developer perspective on concepts that I had trouble
> > understanding when starting udigging.
> >   
> Um - the whole udig site is a wiki, users guide, developers guide, 
> translations and everything - simply create and account and
> start hacking.
> Based on Adrian's earlier should we create a tutorial section called: 
> "Guided Tour"...?
> Going to the Getting Started section:
> - 
> I notice that page 2 - is missing! Anyone remember what it was?
> Jody
> > Jonas
> >
> > Re: [udig-devel] UDIG Architecture
> > Adrian Custer
> > Fri, 03 Mar 2006 02:00:50 -0800
> >
> >
> > Hey All,
> >
> > On Wed, 2006-03-01 at 13:02 +0200, Jody Garnett wrote:
> >   
> >> Adrian I enjoyed your email
> >> and wondered where in the programers guide it could go? Before or after 
> >> we introduce the concepts you talk about? Perhaps it could be added as part
> >> of the Overview? How does "4 Guided Tour" sound?
> >>     
> >
> > You mean Programer's Guide 1.4? Great. Let's work on that. If you want
> > it done quickly then we ought to schedule a doc irc afternoon or two
> > (i.e. one to get started and one to finish). The current problem is that
> > I see the lack of documentation pretty clearly (i.e. what's needed) but
> > in order to solve this on my own, it is taking me a huge amount of time
> > to figure out the various code bases so I'm making slow, unsteady
> > progress. I realize, of course, that this is not a priority for you all
> > but unfortunately, I suspect this is a key stumbling block. To code
> > effectively on uDig I see as needed:
> >
> >       * A good understanding of GIS'es an how they work
> >       * A grasp of the terminology used in the uDig/Geotools stack
> >       * A grasp of Java/C/some programming languge
> >       * A grasp of the eclipse IDE
> >       * An understanding of the Architecture
> >
> > at least that's what I'm working on acquiring.
> >
> >
> > Three core elements are needed for explaining the uDig architecture
> >
> >
> >
> > 1) A scalable architecture diagram:
> >
> > There are a number of useful schematic diagrams of udig and geotools,
> > for example, the diagrams included in the slide show that was posted to
> > the mailing list (whose name I forgot because I just deleted the file
> > yesterday). However, these diagrams are very primitive: they don't, for
> > example, get used in a more detailed explanation of what classes get
> > called in different situations. I hope to develop eventually a diagram
> > that scales from the 
> >
> >   Hardware || JVM / Clibs  || Geotools / Eclipse || uDig
> >
> > to a diagram where each uDig and Geotools package can be viewed as a
> > block with an API used to access that block and an internal example. I
> > grant this is a long term vision but something I'm working on for my own
> > sanity in this way complex uDig world. E.g.
> >
> >   **************************************************************
> >   * N  *       * Api interface 1     * Api interface 2 ...     *
> >   * A  *       *************************************************
> >   * M  *                                                       *
> >   * E  *        Code Examples ...                              *
> >   *    *                                                       *
> >   **************************************************************
> >
> > Once I can make a single clean example, I'll convert my hand sketches to
> > SVG with inkscape and spam the list.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 2) A diagram of the data model of a uDig in a frozen state:
> >
> > uDig follows the model, view, controller split. I would like a diagram
> > of each for a uDig frozen at the moment when it has 2 Projects open, one
> > with 5 maps, with one map having n different layers (possibly one of
> > each type of IGeoResource which uDig provides. 
> >
> > The idea is to have a hypothetical tree of how to access each of the
> > components in the model (data) hierarchy, in the view hierarchy, and in
> > the controller hierarchy. Since there are static methods provided to
> > access the root of each hierarchy, the three trees would provide users
> > with a cannonical example for accessing each piece of a running uDig. 
> >
> >
> >         For example, right now I'm trying to build a uDig layer from
> >         scratch. Now I have to figure out where the CRS (or SRS, I'm not
> >         yet sure of the semantic distinction) information is held. I can
> >         imagine that the map must have its own and each feature (or
> >         maybe geometry) has its own or maybe all the features in a
> >         datasource always share the same. I.e. I know that the CRS's
> >         must be defined at various levels but we don't yet have a
> >         diagram that shows:
> >         
> >                 This example is off the top of my head. It's not worth
> >                 my time right now to get accurate. Think of it as an
> >                 example of some other system.
> >                 
> >                 
> >            uDigMap:
> >             --- getCRS   ---> The Map's CRS
> >         
> >              --- resolve IGeoResource 1 ---> Feature 1
> >                                               |---> .getCRS()
> >              --- resolve IGeoResource 2 ---> Feature 2
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 3) A set of examples of how to construct each element.
> >
> > Access is one thing, but construction is another. Once we have diagrams
> > for accessing an example of each piece in uDig we then need an example
> > of how to *build* from scratch each of the pieces. The building from
> > scratch is a second way of sharing the model with new programmer's.
> > While the "resolve" idea is quite simple in the resolution direction,
> > I'm still quite puzzled about what's going on when we create a new
> > coordinate, geometry, feature, datastore (magic happens here)
> > IGeoResource eventhough I can now display my buffered points in a map. 
> >
> > For example, I suspect the FAQ "How do I build a Layer programatically"
> > is exactly this question and is *not* answered at all by the current
> > answer. For me the question is "how do I start with java doubles and
> > build up the pieces so I end up drawing a georeferenced map, say a
> > triangle with vertices in Paris, London and Moscow?" I'd like to create
> > a really well commented file that explains with a full paragraph each
> > step of the process, and ideally that then gets expanded into examples
> > that do each step slightly differently.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > For a good documentation stack, I suspect we should have these three
> > elements: a scaleable architecture diagram, an example of each M/V/C
> > tree, an example of building each component. I suspect that getting that
> > into one's head is the precursor to being effective at all in uDig
> > development (along with understanding well how the eclipse IDE works and
> > where each of the ten million preferences actually hangs out).
> > Unfortunately, without yet knowing this and having it in *my* head, I
> > can't sit down and do the work to make the diagrams. 
> >
> >
> > Okay, back to trying to figure out uDig so I can write some docs for it
> > and start developing the analytic components.
> >
> >
> > All the best,
> >
> > adrian
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
> >
> >
> >   
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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