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Re: [udig-devel] More questions about trying to figure out how things work

Hi Robbie,

I am a little confused as to why a shapefile of less than many million roads should take 30 seconds to render.  The first time you load the layer maybe(because of indexing the file and loading all the plugins) although that still seems too long to me.  I've got to ask what system you are using.  Hard drive speed, OS, amount of memory.  The reason I'm asking is because as far as I know uDig is that slow...  

I will do what I can to replicate the issues you are having.  

For your information:  I have started researching the problem with generating an index for large linestring shapefile and hopefully will have a solution to that before too long.  

The other thing that is troublesome is creating a new layer and copying
linestrings from the source layer to this new one.

To reproduce, you create a new layer (with no additional attributes). You
select a couple of linestrings in the source layer with the 1826 items.
Copy, paste into the newly created layer.

When you paste udig starts by redrawing all the layers (which seems
unreasonable as only the currently empty one into which we are pasting has
any chance of changing), and then the map view seems to lock and not display
anything at all. This has been occurring with a good level of
reproducibility in version 1.1M6 and in today's nightly build.
This is new functionality for 1.1.M6 and is most likely a legitimate bug.  I will look into this.

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