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Re: [udig-devel] An initial buffer works! ...and some subsequent questions.

Hey Jessie, 

Thanks for your answer. Some clarification.

On Mon, 2006-03-13 at 10:19 -0800, Jesse Eichar wrote:

The catalog API has a method for creating "temporary georesources" such
as a memoryDatastore.   
> The method is something like:
> CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getLocalCatalog().createTemporaryResource( featureType );

Is this really recent method in ICatalog? I can't find it in 1.1M4SDK
nor on the web javadocs.

> this method will return a IGeoResource that backs onto a
> MemoryDatastore.  Once you have the georesource you can do the normal
> things such as get a FeatureStore from the IGeoResource  and add
> features to the layer using the feature store...  Remember that
> FeatureStores obtained from a IGeoResource uses AUTOCOMMIT, not a
> transaction like layers.  

> > 
> > 2) What's the elegant/correct way to bail out of an operation if I
> > get
> > to a point where something doesn't resolve or some other assertion
> > fails?
> > 
> > 
> Make sure you close all you resources (file handlers, readers/writers
> etc... ) and return.  The framework doesn't really care as long as you
> clean up after yourself.  

So we can bail out, even firing off exceptions, and the RCP will
continue happily? If so, is there a uDig policy on how to transmit error
messages to the user?

> You can use the enablement element of the  the operation extension
> declaration to ensure that the operation will only be enabled for
> certain resources.


> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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