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Re: [udig-devel] commands deprecation and consistency

Not true.  It was just forgotten.

Jody Garnett wrote:
Okay here is what a little research shows:
- NavigationCommandFactory has createCompositeCommand(  NavComamnds[] )
- SelectionCommandFactory has createCompositeCommand( List<MapCommands> )
- SelectionCommandFactory has createUndoableCompositeCommand( List<UndoableMapCommands> )
- EditCommandFactory does not have any compound command methods

So my guess is the fact that there is no composite command for EditCommands is deliberate, and they are intended to be fined grained and controlled by commit / revert? I would still like to consider a composite edit commands for the situation where a process is modifying several things at once.

The other idea to avoid depreceated code worked out okay, I will wait to speak to Jesse before committing.
Hi Jesse, we got a little stuck today updating some old command based code.

In particular it took us several minuets to find out that the SelectionCommandFactory is actually responsible for making composite commands. Is there any chance we can set up a CommandFactory superclass that contains this often needed method?

In particular we were updating code that:
- modifed the edit feature attirbute by attribute
- made the change available using a command
- and then sent off

Since this is obviously the use case you have been fixing for uDig 1.1 the method was no longer available.

We are changing this to:
- a series of SetAttributeCommands
- grouped in a compound command
- and then sent off

We also have a problem with deprecation:
- net.refractions.udig.project.command.factory.EditCommandFactory extends the deprecated class
- net.refractions.udig.project.command.EditCommandFactory

Is it possible to reverse this relationship, so we do not have to make use of deprecated code.

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