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[udig-devel] Preferences in UDIG

Title: Preferences in UDIG


From my point of view it's the time to think (or at least to start to think :-) about customization and preference management in UDIG. I would like to see unified structure of preferences pages combining by let's say "categories".

Consider the "Preferences" dialog.

Just to outline what I mean:


        -Map (default preferences for the map, such as default CRS when new     map is created)

        -Layer (default preferences for the layer, whatever)



        -Selection tool (different style settings - how selection graphics is   rendered, whatever)

        -Editing (here for example animation can be switched off/on in all              editing tools, whatever)


                -Split tool

                -Merge tool




        -WMS renderer

        -Shapefile renderer


I suggest to think out about structure and define basic preferences categories that should be described somewhere in documentation. Developers will follow them to support unified preferences framework.


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