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Re: [udig-devel] Plug-in tutorial updated for 1.1, some problems remain

Jesse Eichar wrote:

Jody Garnett wrote:

Updating the plug-in tutorial:
- The name AbstractContextMenuTool kinda sent us for a loop (I know it was fixed, and the name was better, but we still thought we made a mistake). Would SimpleModalTool work?

I could probably do that.

I think it would help, the only thing that wont confuse people is the word "Simple" eh?

- getContext().getActionBars().getStatusLineManger() is a lot of work, can we have a single method
 in the context facade?

No, compared to what it would otherwise be this is GREAT!!! The Context object is already really big we can't make a method for every functionality we might ever want.

Okay good to know.

We have been running an SDK release from sometime last week with mixed success, it is loading up the ESRI test shapefiles quite well. But our maps fail next time we run the application (they do not contain any content). There are two messages in the logs about AuthorityFactories not setting up correctly (both AUTO and ESPG). If this has already been fixed you can ignore me...

Are you only loading shapefiles?

For testing - Yes, we are kinda shy of connecting to remote sources. I will find the stack trace next time.

Aside: We also are not getting line numbers out of stacktraces when running from the SDK release ... makes it hard for useful bug reports.

Hmmm must not be compiled with debugging on.  I will look into that.

As Oliver mentioned we have found a problem - our tool does not work when following the instructions. Looking through the log there is a NPE in ToolProxy - can't tell the line number of course. The only part of the directions that no longer appied was something to do with the constant MOUSE - we no longer make a default constructor you see.

Other than that we are following the directions exactly. Indeed I have updated the website to reflect what we are doing.


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