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Re: [udig-devel] Some problems in UDIG - check them please

Vitali Diatchkov wrote:

Some issues I found strange.


Let's assume there is no project in UDIG.

1) Open UDIG application.
2) Create new project (let's call it "TestProject", create new map, add
shapefile (e.g.) to that map.
Everything is drawn, everything is OK.
The map name is given by default as "Map1"
3) Close map editor with that "Map1" map created on step 2)
There is no editor being opened. But in our project there is one map saved
in file map1.umap.
4) Close UDIG application

Now let's take a look into XML files of project.	There are two files:

In project.uprj  the map with file name "map2.umap" is specified , not

During next session UDIG doesn't open "map1.umap", because "map2.umap" is
specified in project.uprj, but "map2.umap" doesn't exist.

Seems it is a bug with automatic numbering of maps..

I'm on trunk and can't duplicate this problem.  What udig are you using?


Take a look into ToolsManager.setActiveTool(MapEditor editor) method.

The routine editor.getMap().eAdapters().add(getCommandListener()); is
executed time by time when for example map editor is activated while the
user switch them between some opened editors. So, the number of the same
adapters is growing while the only one is enough.

Probably there are some such places more in code when listeners and adapters
are added without testing do they already exist, take a look with attention,
please. I will report if find more.
Thanks fixed this case.


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