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RE: [udig-devel] uDig Big Goals

Hi Paul,

>- Add search via
Mapdex lists mostly IMS servers. Does uDig work with IMS servers as well as
OWS servers? I haven't read the OGC Catalogue Services Specification, but
wondered if there are similar CSS implementations in the works specific to

>* GeoChat
>   -
>   - This is going to explode...

I have been wondering about what an OWS would look like embedded in a larger
content management framework

A quick look at ESRI GeoChat seems to indicate that it adds markup to the
chat channel, so that users can log into a whiteboard and show features over
the shared map context as well as the usual chat. Experimental whiteboard
using xml browser/svg has been around awhile, for example: 
But WFS-T would make the server side much more robust and scalable. A CMS
with a Map Wiki, weblog channels, whiteboard, and voip ... would be
theoretically possible based on an embedded OGC component with GeoServer
WFS-T capability.

1) User creates a geochat/whiteboard session which creates a new session
table (WFS-T) to hold geometry. The session also holds the desired
WMS/getMap or WFS/getFeature request setup layers for the underlying

2) Others join the existing geochat/whiteboard session

3) Geometry - points, lines, polylines, polygons added in the client(s) are
sent as update transaction to the session table.
4) Client polling updates the client/browser view with any new updates on
the session table. I've experimented with svg browser whiteboarding that
allowed polled updates in the 1sec range for a few users, but WFS-T overhead
might push that out a bit?

5) A separate jabber chat or voip channel is open at the same time

6) The whole geochat session can be persisted in the underlying OWS data
store which leads to an engineering versioning capability.   Another topic
altogether is using graphic/xml files in a CVS or SVN to extend the
versioning model to design engineering. This kind of thing is a big deal for
the AEC, Architectural-Engineering-Construction people.

Substitute a uDig client for the browser client and there are endless
possibilities, but the CMS on the server side with OWS GeoServer inside
would be running the show. 
This concept is not necessarily restricted to Maps. Since a WFS-T holds
geometry, any engineering discipline could work with it.

Just thinking out loud

-----Original Message-----
From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Paul Ramsey
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 8:09 PM
To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
Subject: [udig-devel] uDig Big Goals

I have some big functionality goals to lay out, things to think about  
over the next few months, particularly for April:

* Completion of generic viewer capabilities
   - Full Table View

* More data source support
   - Completing testing and QA on Oracle, SDE, WFS, WMS
   - ArcIMS web service support

* More GIS data processing capabilities
   - Buffering, warping, overlays, dissolves (examples available in  
JUMP code base)

* Better search support
   - Faster and higher quality uDig default search (mostly server  
side issues)
   - Add search via

* Default implementation of a shared issues list
   - Set up default issues server on udig site
   - Clean up and elabourate shared issues idea on client

* GeoChat
   - This is going to explode...

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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