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Re: [udig-devel] perspectives and views visibility

Ivan Zerlotti wrote:
I'm using 1.1M2 that I've successfully compiled.
I coded some simply views and a perspective that are all correctly working when I launch uDig as a application from Eclipse, but are completely invisible when I launch uDig as a standalone application. When I'm launching from Eclipse I can see the views in the Window --> Show View --> Other ... menu under the correct category (as I set in plugin.xml) and the perspective in the Window --> Open Perspective --> Other... menu. When I'm launching uDig as a standalone application I can't see either the views or the perspective.
Can someone help me in understanding wher I'm wrong?
I have a question - did you organize your new plug-ins into a "Feature"?

Eclipse RCP groups plug-ins into "bigger" constructs called a Feature, ... and we don't have a tutorial on that.
Sounds like that will be my work for today :-P

While I write that up have a look in the features directory, in particular at how the community plug-ins are made available.


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