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Re: [udig-devel] Filtered layer

Jesse Eichar wrote:
The plugin is for 1.0.x. There are a large number of changes in 1.1 that make adding layer easier so don't copy Jody's code.

Here are a few places to look in the 1.1 code:

The long term design is this ... a method as part of CatalogPlugin that creates a creates a "temp" DataStore based on a provided FeatureType. The goal is that these are used to visualize temporary results, say from an operations, and that these results can optionally be saved
by the user after visual inspection.

If at any point the user saves a temporary GeoResource a catalog REPLACE event is sent out so the maps can switch over to the real (non temporary) content. This is similar to the use of Phantom handles in the
Eclipse IResource api.

I just went on a code jaunt and I don't see this method in CatalogPlugin right now, There is a MemoryServiceExtentionImpl
which can be used however.


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