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Re: [udig-devel] IStyleConfigurator & rendering : more details

I am just diving into this, so forgive me if I am making any wrong assumptions.

Jody Garnett wrote:
Vincent Nouguier wrote:


Jesse, I am not sure the solution you suggest will fit my needs. As far as I understand, you suggest I simply declare a new StyleConfigurator with styleId=SLDContent.ID. In this case, my StyleConfigurator will remove the mark that was set by the 'Simple' styleConfigurator. When I switch to the 'simple' configurator, I have lost my 'simple' configuration. A better behaviour would have been to undeploy the 'simple' configurator for points and to recode a configurator that manages all PointSymbolizer possibilities (mark, externalGraphic and symbols). Is it possible ? Is it discouraged ?

Jody, I am not familiar with layers and the rendering process, so it is quite confusing for me. I don't understand what I have to do (what extension to use) in order my layer being rendered twice. Your suggestions leads me to the following questions: What is the expected behaviour when a user uses two style configurators, the layer is displayed with the style defined by the last configurator?

Right now the expected behavior is that Basic Renderer would engage twice, once for each style.

Um, wouldn't it be dependant on the renderer? For example, my WMS could use two StyleConfigurators at once (say one was SLD, the other was relating to WMS options - file format or something).

If the two StyleConfigurators operate on the same Style, wouldn't one just over-write the other? The StyleBlackboard only has support for one object per ID. The two StyleConfigurators would have to operate on the ideology of editing existing styles, rather than creating new ones.

Or is it rendered as the overlay of both styles?

I think the styles would be combined at the rule level .. but we would need to check.

In this case, how do we define the rendering order?

That is indeed the issue, the style blackboard is unordered - do you have any suggestions? This seems to be a gap in the approach, I expected a single StyleLayerDescriptor instance on the blackboard.

I don't understand how I can use this 'double rendering' mecanism in order to achieve my goal if I don't declare a new StyleClass and so a new Renderer (what I would like to avoid).

What would be the best is if you can set up your StyleConfigurator to edit the same SLD style that the BasicStyleConfigurator does. I am out of time right now, but will ask Richard to fill in the details.

I think Jody is trying to say that your StyleConfigurator should edit the existing SLD style, rather than creating a new one (and over-writing the previous values)?


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