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[udig-devel] Re: NZMG

Hi Mark,

Thanks for sending the "kick me in the pants email" or I would have put this off even longer. It was just that going through a bunch of complex formulas to figure out where i was losing 0.001 degrees was not at the top of my list. I am sure you can understand :)

But I sucked it up and figured out what the problem was so things should be fine now.

Rueben, if you want to do a code review that would be great. The relevant class is NZMGTransform.

If someone on the udig team can build a new main jar from the latest geotools trunk so Mark can try it out that would be great. I am sure they will be tommorow with all the style madness going on.


Mark Presling wrote:
Hi Justin,

I'm just wondering how you got on with this in the end? Did you manage to resolve your tolerance problems? Is the New Zealand Map Grid support in Geotools yet?

I am just getting into doing some work with uDig and noticed that I still can't select EPSG:27200 as a CRS. Jody, is this because it isn't into geotools yet or because uDig hasn't got the latest jars. I assume that after the branch merges you have just done to trunk that uDig must be using the latest geotools stuff now. (I am building from trunk)

Thanks for your help guys. I look forward to your response.


Justin Deoliveira wrote:

This bug is almost complete, I am just having some problems with the inverse transform. My values seem to be consistently off by 0.001. The tolerance seems to be 0.0001. Something is going ary somewhere.


Jody Garnett wrote:

Mark Presling wrote:

Hi Jody,
In reference to...
> On a related note someone is having a run at the New Zealand projection on the geotools list ;-)

I think Justin has something working now, not sure if he knows that GEOT-714 is the bug to close though. I imagine this will be included in the next milestone release of uDig if you are interested.


... do you have any idea how far the Geotools guys got with this? I have checked the bug tracker that you created for me at and searched the geotools-devel list to see if anything has been happening, but it doesn't look promising.

I don't want to spam their development list either, so I was just wondering if you might be able to "consult" your contacts on that side of the fence for me. We are getting close to needing that projection in uDig because we are about to embark on a great trail of discovery and joy working with this cool tool that you have been doing such a great job with. It opens up a whole world of possibility for us. That GeoDSS client looks very interesting - particularly the video service aspect of it.

Anyway, cheers.

jgarnett wrote:

Mark Presling wrote:

Hi guys,

We have been playing with uDig for a few weeks and have decided to use it in one of our projects for managing/editing PostGIS spatial data. We have just won a second contract to write a GIS based system for a roading authority call centre to enter and view events on the state highways in New Zealand. We plan to provide this functionality as a rich client rather than a web-based app, and I was wondering if I could probe your knowledge and experience with the Eclipse framework.

Sure, although I will be more available after the 24th (final days of a project). On a related note someone is having a run at the New Zealand projection on the geotools list ;-)

How have you guys found the Eclipse framework for developing uDig from the ground up? I have seen some comments over the last few days about the difficulties associated with preparing new releases and module integration. Do any of these things put a drag on development/release cycles that could be done quicker by developing your own app framework?

Rather than answer all your questions (I don't have time today - sorry) I will point you towards our initial survey interesting - the document we wrote when
choosing Eclipse as our starting point.

We tried to make as many things measurable as possible, hopefully the rational used will help you as well.

The downsides (only one that matters is the poor PDEBuildSystem for automated builds) are far outweighed by the strong plug-in system with tool support.

Only advice I would give, is to buy a couple books on the reading list earlier then we did.

Does the framework simplify development/deployment significantly?


Is the modular architecture good? Does it make it significantly easier to add/enhance functionality?

Yes, and it allows people to work together very efficiently.

I really rate being able to update to a new release through the update manager. Is this process easy to implement? Any downfalls with the update process?

Not so far, gathering things together into features was a bit fun the first time. But with uDig as an example of how it is done you should be in the clear.

SWT vs Swing?

The only hard call, I am a long time Swing developer and have personally implemented every model (backed on to a functional language based BI server no less). It was hard to walk away from all that experience.

But frankly - the impression SWT makes on users is more then enough reason to switch (especially for an application like uDig).

Also the professional plug-in based system is more then worth the price of admission.

Learning SWT was easy w/ respect to Swing. You cannot do as much crazy stuff, but users never like crazy stuff anyways.... I just found it fun.

I think we would like to incorporate some of the features of uDig (primarily WFS/WMS stuff) into our app. I guess we have two main options:

  1. Develop our own app and include modules/features from uDig, or
  2. Add modules to the uDig framework for our needs.

In your opinion, what would be best? Obviously if we develop new modules/functionality/fixes that the uDig community can use we will be putting that back into the community. We really appreciate the hard work that you guys are putting into developing such a cool tool!

Actually I recommend both - you can see an example of this here:

This is a bunch of separate udig plugins, but we also happened to have dragged together a configuration we liked and branded it as a "geodss" client. The snapshot page has another example of this kind of thing called "Populations at Risk".

In short, extend what you need *and* remove what you don't need.

I appreciate that you have time pressures at the moment, but would really love your feedback at some stage - even if it's a very short "It's awful - don't bother" or "Don't even consider building from the ground up!".

Don't consider building from the ground up, we did not (which is why udig is so great). We simply put together the best stuff we could find. We had only two Research efforts on the project (GML parsing resulting in the XDO parser) and Catalog Support (which died).

Cheers, Jody

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

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