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[udig-devel] Re: hello friend

gaomiao wrote:
> jgarnett:
> Thanks for your generous help these days in advanced : )
> I put a pic of integrating sqlexplorer on udig in the attachment.
> you can have a preview of this plugin.
Fun! Now we just need a translation of uDig!
> There are few questions that couldn't workout for some days. 
I am CCing the devel list here (as others may have better answers then me).
> 1. when i change some code of udig or update the geotools libs, the render for the map doesn'y work,I couldn't see the graphic from shp files or postgis.But i forgot which changes I have made.
> Can u tell me which packages of udig and jar in the libs directory have relation of map render?
This page explains the packages "a bit" -
GeoTools used to run a maven site that described the various
plug-ins...this is the best I could find right now:

> 2.When I release the udig product with new sqlexplorer plugins. It work well in eclipse, but it couldn't work in udig product. ( I've export all the relative eclipse jars that sqlexplorer need ) How could I handle this problems?
This one I am not sure of, do you have sqlexplorer set up as a feature?
Or are you just having the plugin's exported? You may need to define a
new target, check out the ow3 branch
for an example of how to set up a "udig powered" application for export...
> 3. When I add "edit" view for the udig, there will show the following:   
> Invalid Menu Extension (Path is invalid): org.eclipse.ui.edit.text.gotoLastEditPosition
> Does that have effect on the udig product?
This would be one of those questions for the list :-)
> Looking forward your replys, Thanks a lot.        
> ps: I've study udig a lot and want to be one of the developer of udig. And I want to translate udig into chinese. how can I start this work with the permission of udig team? 
Sign up to the devel list and introduce yourself! We would be happy to
set you up with svn access and so on, we don;t stand on procedure - just
We have page about adding translations here:

Note I have *no* idea if confluence is good enough at languages to
support chinese? I will be sad if it is not, but it *is* possible
to set up online help as a series of webpages (we just use confluence as
an "open" way to make the webpages, as something like
robohelp is $$ and not suitable for open-development work).

PS. You may want to resend that snapshot to the devel list - it is cool
>         gaomiao
>         gao_miao@xxxxxxx
>           2005-12-06
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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