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Re: [udig-devel] Question #5 - The purpose of the RenderManager

Bernhard Kastner wrote:
Another question to be added to the FAQ as suggested in
Just because I saw it in the uDig-Sources: There's a TODO in the net.refractions.udig.project.internal.render.RenderManager that fits right into this FAQ: What's the purpose of the RenderManager? Is it the one that chooses which Renderer to use? There are several requests for a better documentation around in the RenderManager and the concerning classes...
Think I just managed to answer that in the other thread:

RendererManager processes an extension point where different sorts of rendering "workflows" are described... it chooses the best one (by looking at some metrics) and then uses it to draw onto a raster. As the different renderers draw, it smushes all the rasters together onto the screen.

PS.: Just getting an idea of how huge this project is, omg, respect...
The great part is that it works, and it lets us add new kinds of services easily, and it lets us provided fast optimizations of things like shapefiles, all without a) getting *really* complicated b) leaking out into the "layer" api where it would get in the way of people writing plug-ins to manipulate data.

I have a picture somewhere (part of the documentation done for OWS-3) that I can share...


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