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Re: [udig-devel] uDig move to Geotools "stylish" branch

Hi Rasmus,

Cory, can you explain this a bit more please.
Maybe not for the whole list if this is very simple, but I don't understand
and some way I'm interested to understand.

No worries; i'm sure others are curious as well.

At the moment, Jody and I are reviewing the Geotools StyledLayerDescriptor API. We're adding documentation and methods, and moving interfaces around (geotools just added a module for interfaces only... so we're moving the sld interfaces over to it too). At the same time we're making changes so we conform with the SLD 1.0.0 specification, and to GeoAPI 2.0. This gets a little confusing as the GeoAPI 2.0 naming convention seems to diverge from the SLD spec at some points (naming follows 1.0.20?). The geotools jars are part of the plugin net.refractions.udig.libs. We want to continue our uDig work with our changes, so the jars we post at
have been changed to use our changes which temporarily live on the stylish branch, rather than Geotools trunk. How does this affect the average uDig developer? If you're working from the subversion repository of uDig, you'll need to clean net.refractions.udig.libs. We've renamed some of the jars, so you might want to do a full clean:

Links of interest:

Geotools stylish branch, SLD interfaces:

Geotools stylish branch, SLD implementations:

(see org.opengis.sld)


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