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[udig-devel] IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate.selectionChanged Question


yesterday i updated eclipse 331, udig from code and tested some old code.

This code is an Action code inherited from IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate.

'Til now if a feature changed i received a selectionchanged event.

but today silence on the line.

but it still receive LayerChangeEvent.

Where am I wrong ???

jacques divol

 public void selectionChanged( IAction action, ISelection selection ) {

   // I DO NOT ENTER THIS PART if its a feature change...

if (selection.isEmpty() || !(selection instanceof IStructuredSelection))


         sselection = (StructuredSelection)selection;

        if (sselection.getFirstElement() instanceof Feature) {


        if (sselection.getFirstElement() instanceof Layer) {

           // I ENTER THIS PART if its a layer ...



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