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Re: R: [udig-devel] Error with Postgis layer UDig 1.0.5 Postgis 1.0.4

Thanks Paolo for your help. I have not been able to dowload the 2.2 jar yet as is down, and when I try the download from sourceforge via Codehause I get an error. I you know of a working dowload site for the Geotools 2.2.x Jar I would love to hear it.

Johan Wehtje

On 11/5/05, P.Rizzi Ag.Mobilità Ambiente <paolo.rizzi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Replace the postgis-2.1.1.jar you find inside the uDig plugins directories
with the latest from GeoTools 2.2.x. You must rename it to postgis-2.1.1.jar, for it to work.
This worked for me. I have no idea why the provided PostgisDataStore doesn't work,
nor I had time or will to discover it...
Paolo Rizzi
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Johan Wehtje [mailto:genwolf@xxxxxxxxx]
Inviato: venerdì 4 novembre 2005 14.12
A: udig-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oggetto: [udig-devel] Error with Postgis layer UDig 1.0.5 Postgis 1.0.4

I have tried this on three different machines and get the same error every time.
When I try to add a PostgisLayer to my map on every occassion I get a message box with the title "Loading Services" and the message " Error Loading services ..."

There is a "Details" button , but it is greyed out.

The UDig Database connection wizard find my databases and retreives the tables, but when I click finish I get this error.

The Tables I have tried are all proper spatial tables, and have been imported using shp2pgsql, they are able to load in Qgis, Autocad Map (using SAFE connector) and grass. I have three Database installtions with these tables - on Windows XP Pro, Linux (Fedora Core 3), Windows 2000 , and Windows XP Pro on - have tried Udig installed on all three machines.

Have tried with 3 different UDig intsalls, against all 4 Postgresql / Postgis installations, (Ranging from Pg 8.0 to 8.1 RC1, and PostGis 0.9 to Postgis 1.0.4 - same message every time.

Am I missing something obvious?

Johan Wehtje


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User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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