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Re: [udig-devel] Plugins

You are in luck the entire uDig team is working on fixing our website and updating documentation as well as publishing some previously private tutorials. The tutorial of interest to you creates a distance tool.

I have put a pdf version of the tutorial at:

That tutorial unfortunately doesn't show how to draw on the screen to do that you must send the context a DrawCommand. For example if you send the Context a DrawShapeCommand (I think that's what its called) the shape will be drawn as long as the command's isValid method returns true. Why don't you do the distance tool tutorial then modify it so it draws a line from the origin to the cursor. The source code for the tutorial is at:



IƱigo Telleria Elola wrote:

I have read the developer's guide to develop some plugins in Udig. I have understanded it and I created the HelloWorld plugin. It was very easy. Now I would like to create more dificult plugins, for example, a plugin which draws shapes (circles, lines, etc); but I don't know how I can do it.
Can anybody help me?
I would like to see simples plugin too.

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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