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[udig-devel] re: linux installation

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I am at a complete loss as to why this is happening. 1.0.5 has passed all of out tests which includes the postgis workflow in the Walkthrough 1. Why don't you try that? You can find it at:

I would also appreciate a copy of the log. It can be accessed via the Help>About uDig. Then press the Configuration Detail button, then the View Error Log button. I have just tried uDig 1.0.5 (freshly downloaded and installed) with the postgis in the walkthrough as well as an internal database. The layer I loaded up had over 300000 polygons and it did fine. Unfortunately I don't know the version number of the database so I can't help with that.


Johan Wehtje wrote:

I have tried this on three different machines and get the same error every time. When I try to add a PostgisLayer to my map on every occassion I get a message box with the title "Loading Services" and the message " Error Loading services ..."

There is a "Details" button , but it is greyed out.

The UDig Database connection wizard find my databases and retreives the tables, but when I click finish I get this error.

The Tables I have tried are all proper spatial tables, and have been imported using shp2pgsql, they are able to load in Qgis, Autocad Map (using SAFE connector) and grass. I have three Database installtions with these tables - on Windows XP Pro, Linux (Fedora Core 3), Windows 2000 , and Windows XP Pro on - have tried Udig installed on all three machines.

Have tried with 3 different UDig intsalls, against all 4 Postgresql / Postgis installations, (Ranging from Pg 8.0 to 8.1 RC1, and PostGis 0.9 to Postgis 1.0.4 - same message every time.

Am I missing something obvious?

Johan Wehtje


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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I am at a complete loss as to why this is happening.&nbsp; 1.0.5 has passed
all of out tests which includes the postgis workflow in the Walkthrough
1.&nbsp; Why don't you try that?&nbsp; You can find it at:<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="";></a><br>
I would also appreciate a copy of the log.&nbsp; It can be accessed via the
Help&gt;About uDig.&nbsp; Then press the Configuration Detail button, then
the View Error Log button.&nbsp; <br>
I have just tried uDig 1.0.5 (freshly downloaded and installed) with
the postgis in the walkthrough as well as an internal database.&nbsp; The
layer I loaded up had over 300000 polygons and it did fine.&nbsp;
Unfortunately I don't know the version number of the database so I
can't help with that.&nbsp; <br>
Johan Wehtje wrote:
type="cite">I have tried this on three different machines and get the
same error every time.<br>
When I try to add a PostgisLayer to my map on every occassion I get a
message box with the title "Loading Services" and the message " Error
Loading services ..."<br>
There is a "Details" button , but it is greyed out.<br>
The UDig Database connection wizard find my databases and retreives the
tables, but when I click finish I get this error.<br>
The Tables I have tried are all proper spatial tables, and have been
imported using shp2pgsql, they are able to load in Qgis, Autocad Map
(using SAFE connector) and grass. I have three Database installtions
with these tables - on Windows XP Pro, Linux (Fedora Core 3), Windows
2000 , and Windows XP Pro on - have tried Udig installed on all three
Have tried with 3 different UDig intsalls, against all 4 Postgresql /
Postgis installations, (Ranging from Pg 8.0 to 8.1 RC1, and PostGis 0.9
to Postgis 1.0.4 - same message every time.<br>
Am I missing something obvious?<br>
Johan Wehtje<br>
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User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
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