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Re: [udig-devel] Eclipse framework comments

divol wrote:

Le 13 oct. 05 à 16:24, jgarnett a écrit :

Woot - thanks for the great read. I could not think of anything harder for you to start with then JAI :-(
... yes i know, i's terrific ...
(you understand why i do not write messages to often, and I censore myself very much ... ) JAI is not so hard if you find the source code and remember that JAI is for image and DEM files are not really image
Please don't worry too much. I suffered through learning JAI as well, this is a development list - so as long as your employeer does not mind the occasional plublic rant bug the list ... or the JAI list.

Even if we are not always helpful, we have gotten stuck on JAI often enough we may be able to offer sympathy if not help.
<tech> My problem : i do not know if it's the right way to integrate SRTM file into udig
so i just write the decoder not the encoder. <tech>
That is such cool data - if you wrap this up as a GridCoverage it should work with the existing rendering system. You can also set up a custom Renderer if needed, that is what Jesse is doing for OSSIM intergration. Is SRTM one of the formats supported by OSSIM? If so you may want to talk to Jesse - all the OSSIM developers are on Macs ....

Concerning (just one of your comments) about gobbled NPE ... do you know about tracing?
i do not know about tracing execept if its the name of the debug mode
wait a minute,

ok i found the place in order to configure, i'll try
i tried to use the debug mode .... it's so slow that i stop
Should not be much slower, the point of that tracing system is that you can turn on messages for just the part that you are interested in... Also so you can send a user a ".options" file that they can place in their directory inorder to gather more information about a crash out there in the wild.
and my machine is a  2 * 2 GHZ G5 with 1.5 Go of ram ... under Tiger ...
Ah to have a mac, we can only dream about the problems you are having...

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