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[udig-devel] Coordinate System trouble

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Hi All,

I have been tinkering with udig for a couple of weeks now and it get's better and more stable with each release. I'm really excited about it's future.

I have a problem trying to select one of the coordinate systems that we work with though. The "NZGD49 / New Zealand Map Grid (EPSG:27200)" won't work when I select it. If I double click it in the CS dialog the dialog closes but the map CS doesn't change. If I select it and then click "Apply" it doesn't complain, but when I click OK the OK button disables and the dialog remains. I then have to click Cancel to return to the map (selecting another CS doesn't enable the OK button).

Also, when I select the "Custom CRS" tab the details remain the same as the previous CS, rather than changing like the others do.

I have attached a screen shot of the CS window to show you what I mean.

There are no errors/exceptions in the console when I use -consoleLog.

I assume that perhaps the definition of that CS isn't set up properly or something. Is there something that I can do to get it working?


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