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[udig-devel] Fwd: Re: Mapping the output of an ecological model with uDig


below you find a conversation I had with Jody Garnett. He adviced me to get help from the devel list. Please, take a moment to review what my issues are. The file "OUT00003.txt" contains a sample model output. The file Gutierrez-"BiologControl_2005.pdf" shows what kind of map I would like to get by reading an output file.



X-Original-To: lponti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Delivered-To: lponti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 15:40:36 -0700
From: Jody Garnett <jgarnett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
User-Agent: Thunderbird 1.4 (Windows/20050908)
To: Luigi Ponti <lponti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Mapping the output of an ecological model with uDig
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Luigi Ponti wrote:
Thanks Jody,

When you refer to people I will meet in the list, do you mean I should subscribe to the "udig-devel" mailing list? Should I forward the message I sent you to that list? Is that the place to look for the tools that you said are already available and could perform some of the kind of operations I need?
Yes - I meant the devel list.
Thank for your suggestion. I attach an excerpt from a paper by the lab I work with, to give you an idea of the map we would like to produce. That is also for addressing your question about analytics or visual goal. I think it is just visual. We want to visualize the output of the model on a map. The analysis is performed on model output via multiple regression, apart from the map.
Okay, that is cool. Should not be that difficult, I am a bit tied up until the 20th - but others on the development list should be able to help.
The option "organize your data into a shapefile" sounds good. You mentioned that a geotools program could do that: where do you recommend me to start from (resources/tutorial)? Also a direct reader for my data format could be worthwile, since the task will be perfomed many times (different years, regions, agricultural systems, etc.). Would geotools do that too?
Well I think you would need to read your data format, once you have the information for a single "Feature" it is easy enough to write it out (feature by feature) to a shapefile, or directly to a database.


Thanks again,


Also a reader of the

At 10/4/2005  06:12 PM, you wrote:
Luigi Ponti wrote:

While working as a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkekey, I am trying to move an integrated ecological model/GIS system from a propietary platform (ARCINFO) to an open source one (i.e., uDig/GeoTools).
That is great, I hope we can be of assistance.
My goal is to map the output file of a population model. In the ouput file (see sample attached) each row represents a different location. For each location (beyond Latitude & Longitude) there are plant growth parameters predicted by the model for that location. Tipically, there would be between 100 and 1000 records (rows). These geo-referenced data would hopefully be interpolated in the map.
Some of the people you will meet on this list are from CIP, and have a series of interesting tools that perform some of these kind of operations.
I would like to map such output file using uDig and would like to ask your advice on how to achieve this goal. What tools do I need? Is there anything already available? My background is Entomology (biology) and I am getting some rudimentary Java programming tools.
Well if you can organize your data into a shapefile then you should be able to see it with minimal effort. You could right a geotools program to do that. Or setup a reader for your data format directly, but if it is a one off thing then that may be overkill.

Is your goal analytics or visual?
Model	Date	Time	WxFile	Long	Lat	JdStart	DysToOut	Month	Day	Year	dd	LfNum	LfMass	LArea100	ShootM	RootM	Rootlive	Frame	FruWgt	fruNum	Res	SDveg	SDfru	Ndtot	SoilN	Nres	Nuptk	nLeafYng	nLeafMid	nLeafOld	Nsdtot
OliveGIS	9/20/2005	2:00:29-PM	c:\olivegis\wx\DAVIS.A	121.7833	38.5333	1	1095	12	30	1997	2941	26737.9	7147.7	715235.5	22068.0	2251.4	13.0	101932.1	390.1	857.2	8.6	1.00	1.00	0.000	0.00	0.000	0.000	0.00	0.00	0.00	0.00
OliveGIS	9/21/2005	11:25:54-PM	c:\olivegis\wx\DAVIS.A	121.7833	38.5333	1	1095	12	30	1997	2941	26737.9	7155.8	716045.3	22118.3	2255.4	13.3	101976.1	2.6	3.5	42.0	1.00	1.00	0.000	0.00	0.000	0.000	0.00	0.00	0.00	0.00	16328.12	91328.56	47893.462	25728.02
OliveGIS	9/21/2005	11:26:13-PM	c:\olivegis\wx\DAVIS.A	121.7833	38.5333	1	1095	12	30	1997	2941	26737.9	7155.8	716045.3	22118.3	2255.4	13.3	101976.1	2.6	3.5	42.0	1.00	1.00	0.000	0.00	0.000	0.000	0.00	0.00	0.00	0.00	16328.12	91328.56	47893.462	25728.02

Attachment: Gutierrez-BiologControl_2005.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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