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Re: [udig-devel] Legend entries/glyphs?

rob_booth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Apologies for using this email list for a very simple question - if there is a
better forum, I'd appreciate being pointed in its direction!
This will be fine, welcome!

My very simple question is : can anyone explain to me what each of the small
symbols next to feature layers mean when you add a new layer?
I would love to - and I can - but only for feature layers. For WMS some of the symbols are provided by the servers themselves. In particular WMS can provide their own symbol for a layer.

The Symbols are supposed to reflect the current style being used to render the layer, and have a different glyph depending on the feature type.

This is where it becomes apparent that this is a developer list - the class that makes the pictures is here:

And it contains ASCII art of each symbol - lets look at one:
It has a little pie slice for polygon - showing the fill and edge color.
It has a line showing how lines are rendered.
And a point showing how points are rendered.

I understand the little clock means it is waiting to load, but thats it! Sometimes I try to load a WFS layer, and I get (what I had assumed to be) a WMS
icon.  I also see red crosses, yellow warning signs, etc?
Is there an explanation of what all these symbols mean somewhere (its not
immediately obvious)
We should add a page in the reference section:
'x' - broken
'!' - warning
'o' - wait
' '  - done

If it say x or warning you can select the layer and see the reason in the status bar, the most common "warning" is "no features rendered" and occurs because the content is off screen.


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