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Re: [udig-devel] The World's on its side! (projection issue)

I think this is the north-east issue. The actual definition of EPSG:4326 is that the first coordinate is the north-south, and the second is east-west. But most servers and shapefile don't follow the spec. I guess OGR does. Bad bad people! I think it is time for the user to be able to set the CRS on a layer. The model has the concept but the UI doesn't yet.

dblasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

(Also sent to Geotools-devel since they might be interested)

When I load shapefiles into UDIG, I find that everything is flipped on
its side (so antarctica runs north-south on the left side of the map).

If I delete the .prj file and re-load, it works correctly.

The dataset came from ogr2ogr.

I'm assuming this is Geotools CRS & PROJ.4 disagreeing on what 4326
actually means.

Other than deleting all my .prj files (which I dont really want to do
since other products use them just fine) what can I do?  Is there a
"like-everyone-else's 4326" mode?

I think Geotools needs to talk with Frank Warmerdam (the OGR/GDAL/PROJ.4

This is with today's nightly build of UDIG (which I think is the same as
yesterday's release).

I previously mentioned this to jody.

PS. This UDIG release looks good -- "good job" to all!

here's the .prj file (it came from ogr2ogr-ing the standard VMAP0


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