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[udig-devel] More Mac Feedback


Still having problems with R6.

When I double-click on udig I receive the following:

JPEG image

and the following in the Console log:
===== Wednesday, August 17, 2005 4:03:04 PM America/Denver =====
no Eclipse dict found
Unrecognized option: -XstartOnFirstThread
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

Same basic thing when I execute it within the package (after setting the execute bit):

Petes-Laptop:~/Desktop/udig-1.0.1-RC6.macosx.carbon.ppc/ Contents/MacOS pvaziri$ /Users/pvaziri/Desktop/udig-1.0.1- RC6.macosx.carbon.ppc/; exit
Unrecognized option: -XstartOnFirstThread
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

Even when I remove the XstartOnFirstThread instruction from Info.plist, it returns with:

Petes-Laptop:~/Desktop/udig-1.0.1-RC6.macosx.carbon.ppc/ Contents/MacOS pvaziri$ /Users/pvaziri/Desktop/udig-1.0.1- RC6.macosx.carbon.ppc/; exit
Unrecognized option: -XstartOnFirstThread
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
[Process completed]

If I add William K's Eclipse lines to Info.plist and double-click the application icon then I receive:

2005-08-17 16:16:37.580 java[1119] Apple AWT Java VM was loaded on first thread -- can't start AWT.

Same as above when launching it from within the package.

Hope this helps, or let me know if I can provide anything else that might.

Best regards,

Pete Vaziri
Geospatial Web Design/Admin

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