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Re: [udig-devel] Release Candidate 6 - new DB2 support problems

When I first try to add a DB2 layer, it puts up the wizard to locate the DB2 JDBC driver.  After navigating to the JDBC jars, selecting 'apply' and restarting uDIG,
it presents this wizard again and I never get past this point.

When I look in the udig\plugins\net.refractions.udig.libs.db2_1.0.1\libs directory, I see the JDBC drivers there.

With RC5, in this directory are also files: ..flag, .db2jcc.jar and .db2jcc_license.jar.  I tried copying these from RC5 to RC6 but
it didn't make any difference.

In looking at the code for DB2Preferences, I see that isInstalled is checking
Class.forName("").  Since I see the drivers in
the libs directory, I assume that the drivers are not getting picked up in the classpath. 

Could there be a problem going from udig 1.0.0 to udig 1.0.1?  I see this difference in the names of directories
between RC5 and RC6.

Where are the runtime preferences/properties saved?

If I could run Eclipse with the latest code, I might be able to track this down, but it seems to be confused with
udig 1.0.0 vs 1.0.1 designations.

At 07:44 PM 8/16/2005, jeichar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Thank you for your patience.  It turns out that my motherboard is fried in
addition to the power-source.  Thank goodness for the warranty.

I did my best to model the Mac release after the example William gave me so
hopefully it will work.  Let me know if I did something wrong. 

David Adler:  I made sure that your jar was in the build just before releasing
so unless the build process went and grabbed a new db2 jar it should work.  My
computer was the only instance with a DB2 install so I couldn't test it

The new candidates are at:

I'm hoping the next release is the one.


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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