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Re: [udig-devel] Re: Trouble with fresh SVN checkout

Wow Matthias, that looks crazy!

What version of Eclipse are you using?

There was a recent shift from using plugin.xml files in some plug-ins to using files. I bet this migration is the source of the problem. This might be a problem if you are not using Eclipse 3.1.

Alternatively, the schema files for the extenion points might be missing?

Can Eclipse see the file net.refractions.udig.printing.ui/schema/templates.exsd?


PS. I have had problems with Subclipse taking forever before (among other things) - I recommend using Tortoise SVN outside of Eclipse

Matthias Basler wrote:
Hi developers, hi Jody,

I just made the "maximum possible effort" test to check what's wrong with
Subclipse/building uDig and that stuff.

This involved:
- Reinstalling the JDK1.5.0_04 incl. JAI and ImageIO
  (I used the "official" versions, not the one provided by uDig).
- Installing a second fresh Eclipse including EMF, Subclipse 0.9.32
  and the like.
- Checking out into a completely empty workspace.
  Again I selected all plugins extept the "" one.
  See first screenshot attached.

5 minutes "Operation in progess", then
10 minutes "Retrieving children of remote folders", then
50 minutes "Checking out ..."
P.S. On a DSL connection (fast download, slow upload)

At 95% (or at "") something must have
interrupted the progress, because it ended with errors, and plugins after this
one were missung. So I did another checkout for the missing 7 projects, which
was successful after 5 minutes. Now I had these 45 projects safely on harddisk.

Now Building steps:
- Clean all projects - worked nicely as usual.
- Refresh
- Update classpath for all projects

- 14 errors (and uncounted exceptions, btw.) See screenshot 2.
- Cleaning, refreshing and Updating classpath again won't help.

Further steps done:
- Restarting Eclipse. Errors still there.
- Clean all projects

- Errors are gone. UDig builds and runs OK.

I have the strong impression that, once the "clean" is done, it doesn't actually
rebuild the project correctly after a second or third clean. Only after I
restart Eclipse, the project is properly cleaned and built again.
The "Extension point builder" might also be one piece in this puzzle.

OK. That's all I can help on that.
Matthias Basler

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