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Re: [udig-devel] geotools in eclipse

Gerald Estadieu wrote:

as I mentioned in Geoserver mailing-list we are a utility very interested to start development of GIS solution based on open-source solution and contribute back to the community our own future development if it could be interesting for other. Our web applications are java based, actually the all architecture is based on WebSphere and WebSphere Studio. Sorry to publish to 2 different mailing list but I thought that both community could be interested by any answer to my email (I know that some of you are part of the 2 community already!).
Um - this is the same architecture (ie plugins built on the eclipse Platform class). UDIG defines a GISPlatform for access to spatial information (a different set of tradeoffs from local data access). And a GISApplication that contains the abstractions of Map and Project. To complete the picture it would be nice to provide rendering services as part of the base GISPlatform at some point. As it is you can your own Eclipse based app and make use of such GISApplication code as you find useful.

We understand that Geotools can be integrated within Eclipse to use it to develop our own application but we did not find any documentation how to correctly use it. Anybody can help us on this?
Try reading through the uDig programmers guide, and please feel free to provide feedback (and edits).

I believe that if it works in Eclipse it will work on WS Studio since it is Eclipse based.
This is true.

I actually have the same question for uDig: since uDig provide as well some java UI, would it be possible to re-use them in our own development? and how we can use them in Eclipse to develop our own app?
Yes - both projects are LGPL based. UDig is written against a subset of Eclipse (the Rich Client Platform as it is called). Are you indending to write a combination GIS app and programming enviornment? I for one would love a spatial debugger (graphic debuggers are so old fashioned).


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