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[udig-devel] Re: WFS transaction with uDig

Wallberg Anders wrote:
Hi Jody,
I'm a student at the university of Gävle in Sweden. Right now I'm working on my exam work and it includes a part of testing uDig as a WFS client.

Hi Anders, that is great news.

I haven't had any success trying to edit a WFS data source
through a transaction with uDig. Is that possible in ver. 1.0.RC3?

That is less great news, most of my successful testing has been with GeoServer. Many of the commercial WFS servers out there have been sent bug reports on a wide variety of topics (usually with respect to having a valid schema that reflects their data).

Please download the latest release candidate. And I will let you in on a little bit of a secret - I am going to spend the next two weeks doing very little else then working of WFS support. I will focus on GeoServer and MapServer, and I will submit another round of bug reports to commercial vendors.

Excuse me if I have missed this information on uDig's web site, I've spent an hour trying to find if this version includes the transaction possibility.

It does include the ability to edit, however 1.0.RC5 has many improvements (translation we actually got a chance to use the edit tools).

Best of luck, and please submit jira reports with the urls of servers that did not work.

BTW I would love to know what interests you in WFS and GIS in general. Over the next six months I am looking at establishing a developer community (and would love hints at how to interest academics such as yourself).


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