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Re: [udig-devel] RC4 impressions and bugs

Grzegorz Myrda wrote:


In my opinion one of the fundamental advantages of UDIG is his ease of use (of the power hidden inside). It is important feature for desktop GIS comparing for example with mapserver type products where administrator makes UI for special kinds of clients. However this feature can be the source of problems as system can work in many contexts.

Here are some of them while I was working with shapefiles:
1. Improper mapwindow refresh when there is only one layer in the project. After switching layer off, it doesn't go out from map window., if you had a data set or steps to reporduce the problem please add comments to the issue.

2. Sometimes it is drawing only the last feature in the layer. However identyfing works, so features are "invisible"?.

Does this only occur when you are drawing a single shapefile layer?

3. Sometimes shade of layer's fill color changes slightly while refreshing map.

This has now been fixed.

4. There is no possibility to identify features on layer with a huge number of features (35.000). Also editing of such a layer is not possible.

Jesse offten tests against a shapefile with 168,000 features. He is just checking now ... he got editing to work. However the delay was much too long. Apparently he would like to have an indexed shapefile to address this problem. Jesse can you set up a jira tasks for this.

We were able to identify features. We find clicking on lines to be much too hard, however.

5. Labeling not working if set for the first time for the layer. After setting up all parameters (field, font,...) and confirmation red checkmark appears on the layer name. Closing the project and opening it again makes labels for this layer working ok.

This bug is known, and was responsible for RC4 being withdrawn.

6. Changes in preferences dialog are not possible to save (error appears). Even closing dialog without any changes with OK button shows error.
A bit of research showed that the printing preference page is at fault here.

7. Improper layer status message refreshing (under layers window). For example message is "No features rendered" because layer is far from current view and after zooming to layer message stays without change. Only after changing focus in layers window to another layer and back, status message changes.

Nice find, and thanks for the steps to reproduce the problem:

8. Layer->Analysis->Information->FeatureCount doesn't make or show anything.

9. There are no pictures in help

Several of those items you mentioned caused the RC4 release to be withdrawn (especially the labeling and help problems). Do a quick run through Jira and try and make sure your issues are actually captured.

I did not try functionality associated with OGC webservices yet ;)

But that is the fun part :-)


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