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[udig-devel] Re: [OpenSDI] Who is on this list?

Martin Schouwenburg wrote:
Well as our ILWIS product is nearing the end of its lifetime ( still some way to go but nevertheless) we look for a replacement in some form. We have decided, certainly looking at our customer base, that Open Source is the way to go. We need some platform to move our extenisve experience in raster processing and visualization. Eclipse and its pluggable system has our interest as a vehicle for further modularization of functionality so looking further at udig seemed a logical step. We have lots of things we need to port/ implement and udig seems a reasonable place. But these plans are still a bit prelimanary, i need to contact some people of udig first ("hi guys :-)") to see how they view such a move.

Hi again Martin,

The geotools library, which uDig makes use for a lot of our data acess in in the throws up updating their raster support to agree with the latest CoordianteReferenceSystem standard.

The wiki page where they are talking shop is available here:

In short they seem to be a nice bunch of characters, even if nothing comes of it you may want to compare notes.


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