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[udig-devel] translation in RC3 and acouple of questions

A quick question for richard (or anyone who knows) - what is the locale code for Dutch and Spanish? I was hoping to start those spaces up sooner rather than later.

Matthias Basler wrote:
I just downloaded and quickly checked uDig RC3 for localization issues. I
identified three major problems with the German translation:

Thanks for catching those,

I ran into the prople from the degree project last week and they were happy to see things happening in German. They make an excellent toolkit comparable to geotools (a bit more focused on services) but being a small team they have less time for documentation then we do.

Next time you login you will see I took your translations and update the navigation bar. I am running into problems doing the same thing for french.

Apparently I do not know how to type Références and Tâches ? I can' tell if it is font display problem on my machine or if there is some &XXX; code I don't know yet.

I am also tempted to provide the:
en: The "locale" links can be used to switch between languages. It works for any page! fr: Le lien en|fr|de sur la gauche peut être utilisé pour changer de langue page après page
de: ???

Instructions on the top of every page, but I don't know the german text yet.

One thing that will help out next time is the syntax for linking between spaces. As an example I changed [Funktionen und Regeln|] to [Funktionen und Regeln|EN:Home]. Not a big thing but it will save you some typing next time you do this kind of thing.

1. The German localizations of the Eclipse packages are missing, which results
in many menu items, tabs etc. to be English, not German. I know that there are

We are actually having a couple problems with the 3.1 packaging in M6. It seems we will have to assemble our own 3.1 RCP Feature (or ask Eclipse to), we may be able to subset the language file at the same time.

2. The start page is not the German one. I've attached the German translation to
this mail, in case you don't have it yet. The file goes into

3. The "Information" menu cannot get translated, since the plugin
"net.refractions.udig.project.ui" has still entries in the fragment.xml that
are not externalized.
(See f.e. extension point "net.refractions.udig.ui.operation" there)
There's already an issue about this.

(P.S. I updated the German user guide to keep track with the English version.)


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