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[udig-devel] German translation in RC3

Hi developers

I just downloaded and quickly checked uDig RC3 for localization issues. I
identified three major problems with the German translation:

1. The German localizations of the Eclipse packages are missing, which results
in many menu items, tabs etc. to be English, not German. I know that there are
no translations for the Eclipse 3.1 branch yet, but the translations for 3.0.1
do the job.

2. The start page is not the German one. I've attached the German translation to
this mail, in case you don't have it yet. The file goes into

3. The "Information" menu cannot get translated, since the plugin
"net.refractions.udig.project.ui" has still entries in the fragment.xml that
are not externalized.
(See f.e. extension point "net.refractions.udig.ui.operation" there)
There's already an issue about this.

(P.S. I updated the German user guide to keep track with the English version.)

Matthias Basler

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