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[udig-devel] Re: [OpenSDI] Change of subject: uDig and move to uDig user-list

I think this discussion should move to the uDig users list if we proceed on it. Since there is no such list yet, I will post this to the uDig-devel list instead. People interested could then jump to that discussion. (
Sorry to the others for bothering you!

On 21 Apr 2005, at 16:59, Ticheler, Jeroen (SDRN) wrote:

 That sound very good, I also think it would be very beneficial if we
could get around the table with ITC and FAO to avoid we start diverting
in different directions.
 I am BCC-ing some colleagues in FAO to avoid they eventually get
spammed ;-)
Jeroen Ticheler
 Room F817
 Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
 00100 Rome - Italy
 Tel: +39 06 57056041
 Fax: +39 06 57053369

On 21 Apr 2005, at 16:43, Martin Schouwenburg wrote:

> Well as our ILWIS product is nearing the end of its lifetime ( still
> some way to go but nevertheless) we look for a replacement in some
> form. We have decided, certainly looking at our customer base, that
> Open Source is the way to go. We need some platform to move our
> extenisve experience in raster processing and visualization. Eclipse
> and its pluggable system has our interest as a vehicle for further
 > modularization of functionality so looking further at udig seemed a
> logical step. We have lots of things we need to port/ implement and
> udig seems a reasonable place. But these plans are still a bit
> prelimanary, i need to contact some people of udig first ("hi guys
> :-)") to see how they view such a move. 
> We are busy at this moment ( within the 52N initiative) in designing a > framework to enable, in a consistent and standarized way, to integrate
> with a wide variety of different libraries from different sources and
 > languages (of course using OGC and ISO standards where possible)
> because we dont want to implement all functionality again. There is
> lots of good stuff available though it is often somewhat spreadout
> over different libraries/ systems. E.g. If you need stuff from GDAL
> and Geotools or JAI we want to have some consistent way of integrating > them without bothering the programmers too much. Well, we have a draft
> architecture for this, now we need to implement it. Not too difficult
> but it still will take some time
 > Martin Schouwenburg
> schouwenburg@xxxxxx
 > >Martin,
 > >The look at uDig will be very welcome, I hope to look in that
> direction too, slowly replacing WinDisp that FAO has been distributing
 > as our free image analysis toolset to developing countries and in
> which ITC has also been involved!
 > >eroen Ticheler
 > >FAO-UN - Rome
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