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Re: [udig-devel] CRS

On Tue, 2005-04-19 at 14:05 -0400, dblasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Jessie,
> I've already mentioned the WMS apparently not making correct requests
> when you change the CRS (see email "both WFS and WMS not working?").
I agree that this is a problem that I don't understand.  I'll try to
look into it tomorrow morning.

> For the issue involving the points dataset (which doesnt have a .prj), i
> did this:
> 1. load in the points.shp file (some points I made near the origin to
> test with)
> 2. load in the bc_roads.shp file (udig samples directory).  Its in BC

One issue was resolved when Amr found a bug in the Layer.getCRS()
method.  The contract was that a layer is in Lat-Long if the CRS is
unknown.  I'm going to make a new Lat-Long CRS that is called Unkown
soon.  But for now the bug is fixed and the data is assumed to be in

A second issue with the example you showed is that bc_roads will throw a
transform exception if you are looking at the points because the area
that the points in is not part of the bc albers valid area.  Not much I
can do for that other than provide a better message.  

That said you have allowed me to reproduce a bug that I've been fighting
with because i couldn't reproduce the behaviour.  That bug is the data
seems to be rendering but nothing shows up.  

If you do an up date some of the problems will be fixed.  IE.  You can
zoom to bc_roads layer change map CRS to bc_albers and it will show up
correctly.  Also you will be able to zoom to the points layer correctly.

> Now I cannot view my points data (actually, sometimes I get one point at
> the extreame bottom of the screen).  How do I find out what projection
> udig thinks my points dataset is in?
> How do I tell what projection the map view is in?
> How do I change the projection of my points file?
> I've tried map->properties, but it just allows me to enter in a new
> projection - not tell me what the current one is.
> NOTE: changing the projection doesnt seem to do anything;
>       1. load bc_roads (in BC ALBERS)
>       2. go to map->properties and change it to 4326 (lat/long)
>       It still seems to be in BC ALBERS.  I also notice, after it
> finished rendering, a "Error:java.lang.Exception: Error transforming
> bbox".  I dont know why this error is occuring - I have that layer in
> geoserver, and I can convert the bounding box (in albers) to lat long.
The error is the other way.  Transforming from lat-long (close to
0,0,0,0) to bc albers.

> I also tried to do a layer->analysis->information, but it throws an
> error when I try to do it with points.shp.

I'll quickly fix the analysis info item.  It was quickly made and isn't
very defensive about non-existing data.


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