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Re: [udig-devel] Exapanding PicoContainer into a uDig componen

Tony Kennedy wrote:


Many thanks for the talk I hope it proved informative, I'm at the end of a 19 hour day so not at my best, but Ive talked to the powers that be and obtained permission to give access to parts of the development you would find interesting, we will have to wait formal confirmation, but I can now exchange documentation which should ensure we are not re-inventing the wheel and may help to increase your understanding of our projects and requirements,

Thanks Tony, I a big believer in documentation.

On our end we will set you and a friend up with subversion access (please email contact info).

I will try to get the initial documentation out tomorrow, crude though it may be, as you seem to have another real time customer at your door.

I will pursue the exact busines relationship further in partcular the NPO aspect which I have not come across before

The Open Planning Project (TOPP) is the non profit from New York that does the GeoServer project. We have approached them for partnership on several projects (including uDig). They can also do contracts and the usual sorts of things. Near as I can tell the only difference is they accept donations for which one can get a tax break :-) Oh they also have a mandate (I keep bugging them to update there website and share it with us).


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