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Re: [udig-devel] current project

Justin Deoliveira wrote:

It would be nice to get at the "current" project, or "current" map. The classes that seem to perform these tasks are internal so i cant use them.

That is an interesting question, we have several ideas of what may be considered current. The current editor? Which may be a map, or the current selection (which may also be a map).

In which conext are you asking the question? If you are a tool your current map is available to you via your context object. If you are view you can watch the workbench part selection and engage when a Map is on screen.

The Info Tool and and the InfoView serve as an example of these situtations. Although I think you are familiar with watching the
current editor as part of your StyleView work.

Can we ask for a little bit more information Justin.

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