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[udig-devel] Re: Importing ArcSDE

Buscher, Shane wrote:

I am really interested in connecting to ArcSDE with uDIG. I downloaded version .8 and installed uDIG with the windows installer. When I try to import an ArcSDE layer, I only get import options of shapefile, postgresSQL, WMS, and WFS. I really tried to dig through the documentation, but couldn't find how to enable this functionality (or maybe I missed something in the installation). Can you provide any quick advice? I think this is a slick product and want to pursue connecting to ArcSDE.

Thanks for the interest Shane:

ArcSDE is a supported Geotools DataStore (that is the GIS library we are using). We have been waiting on CoordinateReferenceSystem support for ArcSDE at the library level.
Here is the bug ticket:

Oh - it appears to be resolved, we will restore the ArcSDE wizard and see if we can close this bug.

We will announce to the email list when ArcSDE support is restored. Perhaps we can impose for testing and feedback (the only ArcSDE instance I have to test against is remote and very slow).


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