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Re: [udig-devel] testing WMS in 0.9RC3


I'm glad to hear that you're trying out uDIG.  I will answer what I can:

On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 14:29 +0100, bartvde@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

> I am trying to use data from a Dutch WMS service (EPSG:28992), but I can't
> find this code in the uDIG EPSG dialog, and if I type it in the select box
> I get "An error has occurred". See error log for more details. Why is this
> EPSG code not in uDIG? Where do I find the error log? I searched the uDIG
> directory for *.log and *.err but did not find anything.
There are a large number of non-standard EPSG codes, Australia have a
number, so does ESRI and I would surmise that there are likely European
non-standard codes as well.  It seems likely that what is happening is
that you are supplying a EPSG code that is not in our EPSG database.  We
have someone who is attempting to improve our CRS chooser page but for
now we are limited to the EPSG codes in our database (The ones listed by
the chooser.)  

That said we are trying to not have horrible uninformative error
messages appear I will add that as a JIRA task for you.

> Some more remarks/questions on the WMS capability of uDIG:
> 1. Why are the WMS layers not shown with their nesting as provided on the
> WMS server? I have a layer DEMO which has a child layer Provincies, but
> they are shown at the same level in uDIG.

> 2. In the layer selection window, only the server name + port are used to
> identify a service, eg wms:// Why not use the
> Service Title from the Capabilities, or the full onlineResource (ofcourse
> that gets too long so the service title is better in my opinion)?
I believe that this is in the process of being implemented.  The way
that eclipse works is to have a "quick" and non-blocking answer appear
as a label and icon then a separate thread will update label and icon
when it can.  I think most of the code is in place but has not been
hooked up to it yet.  

The same thing applies for the catalog and search views.

> 3. Why does the map not zoom to the latlonboundingbox of the WMS layer
> added (I assume the default map projection is lat/lon?)?
> This is my latlon boundingbox:
> <LatLonBoundingBox minx="3.20036" miny="50.7175" maxx="7.27339"
> maxy="53.5581" />
> And my map in uDIG starts at approximately: x: -40 (min) to 50 (max), y:
> 3.5 (min) to 53.5 (max).
> It seems like minx is used for miny or something like that?
> 4. Can I zoom to a bbox in uDIG? Could not find that functionality.

That feature has not been added.  The tool api allows such functionality
to be easily added.  The Tool api will be frozen by the end of next
> 5. It is difficult in my opinion to find the change projection dialog, I
> would want to reach that by right clicking on my map view or something
> like that. It is under a general preferences dialog now, although it is a
> property of the map view in my opinion.

I agree, at least a menu item needs to be added to it is a simple matter
to locate the item.

Richard is the WMS expert so 1 and 3 I will leave to him to answer.

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