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Re: [udig-devel] Compiling from SVN source

Romano Magacho wrote:

Hello all,

I downloaded uDig from SVN using Subclipse Manual Import tutorial from
uDig's Wiki.
I managed to get almost everything full compiled and was able to run the
Main Application but I got some compiling errors in the following


and several other warnings. Does these errors influence in something?
The plugins are currently broken due to the geotools change to the GeoAPI CRS implementation. We have not managed to restore everything yet. Indeed we are waiting on some grid coverage fixes for several of the above.

Google should of compiled for you - have you patched your JRE with the SOAP jars? The SOAP solution that David is using does not handle Classloaders properly yet, this is bug sun knows about and will fix before that library goes out of beta. For now extending your JRE with this library is the best workaround.

Another question from a newbie: uDig uses Eclipse to load its plugin. It
does not have a static main method to load a class that will load the
plugin. Am I correct?
Correct - uDig is an RCP "Product". Literally this means we extend the Platform "product" extention point causing our application to be executed with the appropriate splash screen.

Please see the Project Guide for instructions (and screen snapshots):


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