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[udig-devel] Re: [OpenSDI] Presentation of our team and our work (LONG)

Hi Michael - I am going to forward this response past the udig list so David Zwiers has a chance to correct me.

We did not do WRS support as it was not a published specification, Catalog 2.0 was put forward as its replacement (but lack of an standard application profile and available servers keeps it from being useful).

What we do have is:
- search of local resources using an Info (inspired by GeoServer FeatureTypeInfo use and Dublin Core)
- search of Canadian Geographic Data Infrastructure catalog
- search of the SOAP service here: which is really the Survey of OGC Services (

So we have a search API, and plugins that make use of it. When a useful Catalog 2.0 Application Profile is available we will hook up to it. There is talk of ducking the standards process and making a small useful profile - see the Mike Adair's email on the SDI email list.


Michael Gould wrote:

I am not clear on what your final WRS support is. Can you comment on profile(s) implemented or coming, and when?

Mike Gould

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