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[udig-devel] Re: WMS Blocking (0.8 feedback)


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On Sat, 2005-02-19 at 11:05, Jody Garnett wrote:
> These are simple bugs, we have really clarified our blocking and non 
> blocking catalog api for 0.8. Indeed some of these changes may already 
> be fixed now that 0.8 is released.
> >5) The connecting to WMS has to happen in the background, with the progress bar shown in the catalog view. There is no reason to block all user interaction while connecting to a catalog source which may or may not eventually become available.
> >
> >5.5) On launch with such a layer, uDig 'hangs' on the splash screen with
> >the console saying:
> >        [acuster@downdraft eclipse]$ ./
> >        WMS
> >Again, this seems bad from a user point of view.
> >  
> >

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