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[udig-devel] Feedback on docs, 0.8rc1, and svnClipse

Hey all,

Congratulations on all your work, uDig is the germ of an interesting
app. I got both 0.8rc1 and svn code up and running on mandrake cooker
(gnu/linux on x86). Thought I'd give you some feedback.

The Docs:

The doc content is *fantastic* and yet the layout is *horrific*. To
begin with there are a million entry points, all un-alike.
>From there, thinking "i want to learn to code uDig" I eventually find
the tab in the upper right that says "developer" leading to
but what I need happens to be on
and was very good once I found it. So it took me a *while* to figure out
the various web site layouts and find what I needed.

I would encourage you to rectify this situation. Each of your web sites
should clearly indicate what it's doing with regard to the others: e.g.
corporate, homepage, documentation page. The initial choices need to be
much simpler. For example, on http://docs.codeh... at top left is the
logo and, right below, a list of hyperlinked locations. Given that uDig
is layered deep into the site, seeing these links is distinctly
*un*helpful to the newcomer, since it suggests clicking on them. Also,
'Project' needs to be renamed: it means nothing to the outsider. 

Okay, enough on that theme.

On running 0.8rc1:

0) What's your concept of available perspetives? 
I presume we are mimicking ArcMap on that front which had a catalog,
maping, printing, and one other perspective if I remember right. Is the
catalog view going to be a separate perspective, one in which users
manipulate, inspect, and obtain spatial data?

1) Registration error question:
 (postponed pending further investigation)

2) Echoing the earlier mailing lists posts, uDig *needs* a getting
started "Cheat sheet". 
	1) Make a new project
	2) Make a new map
	3) Import data to the catalogue
	4) Add a layer to the map
very clean and simple. Since uDig ships with some data, using that would
be recommended.

3) The "My Projects" root note is actually confusing.
This is presumably used to distinguish local from non-local or shared
projects. However, having it present before any projects have been
declared seems strange. Eclipse projects don't behave this way.

4) The map needs to provide user feedback when it's drawing. 
If you add a layer to a blank map and that layer takes a while, it's not
immediately clear that something happened. (The console fires off log
messages but the user feedback comes from pretty little details, rather
than obvious changes.). 

5) The connecting to WMS has to happen in the background, with the
progress bar shown in the catalog view. There is no reason to block all
user interaction while connecting to a catalog source which may or may
not eventually become available.

5.5) On launch with such a layer, uDig 'hangs' on the splash screen with
the console saying:
        [acuster@downdraft eclipse]$ ./
Again, this seems bad from a user point of view.

6) Drag and drop w/in the "Projects" view, doesn't re-order the maps.
Probably a bug, I'll have to learn to file those eventually

7) Is there a way to "remove" a resource from the Catalog? 
After using a particular shapefile, it may be desirable to stop using it
and not have any references to it. Given that the resource was
'imported' it seems like 'export' is the inverse but that doesn't sound
right semantically. "Access" and "Disconnect" or some similar terms seem
more resonable. A basic rule is *everything* should be reversible so a
user can create a massively complex setup and then back all the way out
to a blank project.

8) Why are .udig files utf-16?
Wouldn't utf-8 be more readable, compact and generally desirable?

On running uDig-svn from eclipse:

1) A new map takes around 15seconds and only appears with the console

        Checking EPSG authority against European Petroleum Survey Group
         is EPSG in [EPSG]
        Lookup EPSG:4269 authority class
        Checking EPSG authority against European Petroleum Survey Group
         is EPSG in [EPSG]
        Lookup EPSG:4269 authority class
Is uDig going to the network to create a blank map? If so that's

1.5) Restarting with an existing workspace containing an empty map also
takes a long time.

2) Import... doesn't seem to allow import of spatial data types.
The default choices are: 'Archive file', 'Existing Projects into
workplace', 'File system'. Is this a recent bug or a misconfiguration on
my system.

enough for now, thanks for any feedback,

Attachment: tseShapefiles.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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