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[udig-devel] Feedback on docs and UI

I've been using the developers documentation for the past 7 weeks developing a plug-in of reasonable complexity which extends the catalogue to accept data in the form of continuous data streams rather than stored data sets, and allows users to register continuous queries against these data steams. The results of the queries are displayed in part by a pseudo layer over a basemap in this case the OSGB ITN layer the rest in extensions to the interface and found both the web site and the documentation perfectly adequate for the purpose and for a project with your timescales amazing.
However, I think you should keep in mind when you make design decisions that people will be extending uDig, and in doing so will be thinking outside of the GIS box , particularly UI decisions, for instance we make extensive use of projects and have extended them to make use of version control, we have many  data sets which we need to rerun, this a typical situation in the world of remote sensing, and many others that use spatial data, uDig  makes a very useful component for displaying spatial information for these applications.
I  think that you should not try too hard to save the user from themselves. Applications that do end up being rigid and complex. The problem is that the work process are rarely structured, and that an application that tries to force them into an arbitrary structure is more of a hindrance than a help.If the user wants to do something silly (in your opinion), don't obstruct him a  just politely warn him, and get out of the way and let the user get on with things. This approach to the UI derives from Alan Cooper,  his books About Face, and  The Inmates are Running the Asylum, are a good starting point for those interested.
Tony Kennedy

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