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[udig-devel] Re: Projects (Feedback 0.8)


        The idea of projects is not going over well, either in demos or
        on the 
        email list. You can even find jira issues calling for their removal.  
        Our initial survey of other products did see the need for this idea in 
        day to day use. They only hold their weight when people are solving a 
        GIS problem, requiring several maps and printed reports.
        But for people that simply want to "seach and see" projects represent a 
        needless distraction.
        So an open question here.
        >3) The "My Projects" root note is actually confusing.
        >This is presumably used to distinguish local from non-local or shared
        >projects. However, having it present before any projects have been
        >declared seems strange. Eclipse projects don't behave this way.

I don't mind the notion of projects, I'm commenting on the *root node*
"My projects". The "My" implies others which are not my, perhaps
"shared" or some such. The node simply wastes space by indenting the
tree for no apprent reason. The node is also confusing given that the
user needs to define "a project" but it looks like there already is a
project. I'd launch an empty uDig without the root node and with a
"Default Project" already defined, ready to be re-named, replaced, or
ignored if the user wants to import/define/work on another project.

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