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Re: [udig-devel] Throw Exception : run UDIG in Eclispe 3.1M4

tom deegree wrote:

>hi Jody Garnett:
>    Thanks you at first! I  download sucessfully the udig 0.6 src with your help. 
Cool. This is the source code then? So you are trying to build now ...

>    But I have another problem, maybe a dump question , I am a eclipse platform newie. after compiling,I runned the udig in eclipse3.1M4 and JRE1.5.0_01 according with  the document but it is failed and throw exception .and the eclipse generated a log file . the following is the log file content.   any helps?
Darn I am not sure what the problem is, we did develop 6.0 against
Eclipse M2 (and the docs have now moved on to Eclipse M4) but that
should not make a difference.

That link you refer to should of made sure all the required plugins are
present? Can you press the "validate plugin set" button and see if
everything is okay?

What timezone are you on? We lurk on the freenode udig IRC channel and
may be able to offer more direct assistance.


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