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[udig-devel] Re: Using swt

Xavier Méhaut wrote:

Hi Jody,
I'va tried the last two days to adapt the ZoomPane and consorts to SWT by using holongate...It should be possible...but requires two things :
* many times
* and a better understanding of the zoompane and associated classes
So I stopped because in my opinion at the rythm at which I go :( , I would have to spend one week at least to make it running...

Hi Xavier - this sounds a lot like our work from last spring. Have you had a chance to look at the udig code base yet? We *do* have a SWT_AWT bridge setup running under Java 5 everywhere and Java 1.4 on windows. This is far and away better then holongate - we did consider holongate as a stop gap solution for Mac OS X - but now we are going to wait for Java 5 on the mac.

By studying the overall architecture, I thought that maybe for eclipse we could/should? proceed otherwise, ie using GEF as rendering model and then benefiting of every GEF feature like zoom, and so on... It is certainly a big amount of work, and moreover

Another GIS application, from Germany, went with this approach. The problem is this would require keeping your feature data in memory. This is not something that we can do for udig - we often play with large datasets and did not want to hobble our application with a such as design.

uncompatible with the existing implementations into geotools... Have you in refractions envisaged such a solution? If so, what were your conclusions of using GEF (and maybe holongate too)... Such an implemantion would requie a lot of work which should be dispatched among several people...

So we did consider both the solutions you propose. And we have a working implementation of the AWT_SWT bridge. Now it would be nice to go for option #3 and option #4. 3) Make a renderer that is backed onto SWT Image, we would have to do performance measurements to see if this is worthwhile. AWT is already hardware accelarated, using an SWT Image may not have any advantage. 4) Make a renderer that is backed onto a OpenGL imagage, render out each layer to its own raster and use the 3D card to compose the layers together. Right now composing the layers together burns resources....

Any other ideas?


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