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[udig-devel] Installation continued ...

0) Install the one click installer

Which I have to say is fantastic. A little large perhaps but well worth it for the time and energy it saves!

I will second that - just downloaded the file to an iPod to take home for the holidays (parts of Canada still don't have high speed internet).

When I get to work I will find out the actual method eclipse uses to find a JRE on windows and forward the link.

If you want my guess, it uses the secret java.exe file which can be found in your windows/system32 directory. This is installed each time you put a version of Java on your machine and it is the file which reads the registry entry. Because your windows directory comes before anything on your PATH variable most attempts to pick the JRE that you want fail. More often than not I rename this file so that I can use 'PATH' to pick the jre that I want. (Not that I can recommend messing around inside your system32 folder, so do so at your own risk!)

Yeah - but asking them to check the registry is even worse :-)

Here is what the docs say:

It is recommended that you explicitly specify which Java VM to use when running Eclipse. This is achieved with the -vm command line argument (for example, -vm c:\jre\bin\javaw.exe). If you don't use -vm, Eclipse will use the first Java VM found on the O/S path. When you install other products, they may change your path, resulting in a different Java VM being used when you next launch Eclipse.

I am not sure I want to follow there lead on this one. Asking a developer to mess around with command line parameters is one thing ... You are right about the magic system32/java.exe file - but that is supposed to be a last ditch resort if javaw.exe was not located on the PATH.

I notice your email conflicts with this, I always place the system32 directory at the end of my path, and usually have a couple of entries like %JAVA_HOME%\bin before I get anywhere near system32.

Under User variables for jgarnett:
JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0
PATH:%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%MAVEN_HOME%\bin; etc...

Under System variables:
PATH C:\WINDOWS\system32; etc...

That is I have two path entries, and the user path is always before the system path.


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