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[udig-devel] Re: [Geotools-devel] Problems reprojecting using CRSService

Martin Desruisseaux wrote:

If it appears to be a bug, I will fix it but would prefer to work on the org.geotools.referencing package instead of the legacy org.geotools.ct package. The new package should be workable now, but (since it is very new) has not been tested. It is okay to use it right now for developping code, but if you requires an accurate result right now it may be risky until we have ported all tests and debugged it.

Hi Martin - we have a deliverable on the Dec 17th - UDIG 0.6 - which includes reprojection. We can try cutting over to the new org.geotools.referencing package I would like to put off the change until then if possible. The moment we cut over you *will* get a heck of a lot of testing.

It is your call Martin - what would you like us to do?

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