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[udig-devel] UDIG and Community

What a great email - thanks Chris

I'm a bit confused. Would this community be the people developing uDig, or developing plugins for uDig? Or are you seeing those as the same thing?

Right now I do see these as the same thing, I would imagine a work flow where a plug-in is written and tested and so on. And then if everyone loves it to bits it can be included in the main udig download. For something super specific like a network builder and analysis tool I am sure a developer
would be happy to have it simply available for download.

I guess I'm a bit confused by what the community svn would be, how you would get permissions on it? What would be there? How is it different then the uDig svn? Are people asking for this? Or are you hoping that just by setting it up people will come?
Once again a bit of both, we need to think about how to scale the udig svn repository to handle the presence of other projects w/ associated plug ins. So it is something I have fussed over for a
while, I would at like at least to have a plan for when people do ask.

I actually sort of doubt that there's a ton of people who will start developing plug-ins for uDig if only they had some community space, I think most are more waiting to see how it all turns out, before investing a ton of time in a shifting target. Granted that's a bit of a catch-22, since they could actually make it better

Actually - this is rather nice - I think UDIG can avoid the catch-22. It is a useful application and will be used by refractions for our own plug ins (so I know people will ask). I hope that the initial application and examples of working plug ins can kick start interest. Things like "community space" are more of my ideas
for keeping this process scalable, and easy.

structure). I guess what I'm basically saying in an offhand way is get started soon, and keep at it even if it seems like no one cares. They will once uDig starts to tighten up, and you may snag a few early adopters, but even if you don't you will have a real open source structure
Sounds like a good suggestion - I am not sure how quickly we can get things setup (there is more work to do after all). At the very least we will try and use the email more.

I used to spend a full day between finalizing a release and actually making it available for download, pretty much all on testing that final code.

Here is a bit of the future schedule:
Dec 17th (UDIG 0.6) - code freeze for David and Jesse
Jan 4th (UDIG 0.7) - code freeze for Jody, Justin, Mark and Richard
Jan 11th (UDIG 0.8)  - Beta release for Milestone 3

I admit I have been abusing the fact that these are pre 1.0 releases. I hope that the week of QA before UDIG 0.8 will help matters. If this was a closed source project release like UDIG 0.6 and UDIG 0.7 would be "internal"...


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